Dear readers,

Whilst you may feel we have neglected you in recent weeks because of fast approaching deadlines, spare a second to think about how the main man in our life must feel. With whole days disappearing at the sewing machine, a family to feed and then finally a few moments to ourselves to crash on the sofa and catch up with the world again, it's at this point that the dog appears - tiptoeing in to look at you with his 'butter wouldn't melt' eyes seeking a walk. How could we say no?

This is Luigi our Jack Russell and most prized possession, the youngest member of our family. It is our love for this little pooch that lead us to commission the portrait you see here. When a certain someone turned 50 this April we all racked our brains to think of what we could buy the man who has everything for this landmark birthday? A chance trip to Greenwich Market and we fell in love with the work of artist Andrew Pledge; we love his gestural mark making that captures the hairiness and movement of the fur on animals. We couldn't think of anyone better to illustrate Luigi's expressive face. It was a gift very well received and now enjoyed by all the family.

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