It's the end of the month, right before pay day, and unexpectedly I found myself with one of those rare things called a day off. Although I'm self employed and can use my days as I deem necessary there always seems to be something to do - emails need answering and commissions don't make themselves, never mind the fact that I'm slightly addicted to twitter. And yet yesterday the house was empty, so I did what most people in my position do when you're eeking out the pennies...two loads of washing and a serious bit of dusting and hoovering (I mean the kind where you pull the bed out and actually take stuff off the shelves)!

In between my housewife duties I decided to make bread rolls. I always ensure that I have a steady supply of the ingredients in the cupboard so I can make bread whenever the fancy strikes me and it always amazes me what a bit of flour, yeast and warm water can make. In no time at all I had a lovely doughy lump proving on my windowsill.

When my rolls were cooked and sufficiently cooled I opted for egg mayonnaise, mainly because I had bought these beauties in Sainsburys the day before in my quest for a real 'eggy' egg, you know the kind of egg mayo that used to stink out your lunch box so you were embarrassed about eating them at school? A little cress picked from the garden and 'hey presto' I had myself a gourmet meal.

As I'd worked so hard all morning lunch deserved to be rewarding, the sun was out and fearing I had missed most of it I decided a solo picnic was in order. I took one of the old packing crates that we use for display on our market stalls, turned it upside down and found that our tea towels are just the right tablecloth size. A carafe of soda and lime - I would have loved something stronger but sadly I had more chores to complete in the afternoon - a beautiful cocktail glass and the scene was set.


As tasty as it was, the egg was not eggy enough. If anyone knows where to buy delicious eggs then please I would love to hear from you, otherwise I may just have to go down the path of having my own chickens...!

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