We believe it's important to be out and about visiting new towns and cities, seeing new things and finding inspiration, especially when you work for yourself and don't get the input or general conversation from an office full of work colleagues. However it isn't always practical or even desirable to travel into the city to visit major galleries and large exhibitions, so it's great when you discover there are good local places to see interesting art work. 

image courtesy of Susie MacMurray
Yesterday we wandered along to the Rochester art gallery to see Resonance, an exhibition by artist Susie MacMurray. We first saw her work Widow at the Art Fashion Identity exhibition at the Royal Academy last year; it was beautiful and tactile but simultaneously repellant and thought provoking.

image courtesy of Susie MacMurray 
This is a small exhibition of large scale pen and ink drawings and sculptural pieces concentrating on material relevant to women (hair nets, bandages) and the connection to the various roles women play in life - as wife, mother, carer. These evoke memories from the past and consider what they represent.

image courtesy of Susie MacMurray
There is something beautiful in the simplicity of black line drawings on paper and we always love the use of everyday objects as subject matter. The delicate overlapping and movement of the lines give the works texture and depth.

This exhibition is on until 16th September 2012 and a great opportunity to see Susie MacMurray's work.

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