I know we sound like a bit of a stuck record lately but my goodness we are busy! There is nothing we like more than getting up each morning and cracking on with a to-do list as long as our arm except the last few weeks have been quite frustrating; you know that feeling when despite all the hard work you haven't moved forward enough?

As you all know we've booked ourselves up for a very full November, not just trading at Greenwich Market every Friday and Saturday but the Selvedge Winter Fair on the 12th and the following weekend our first big, three day exhibiting event with Handmade in Britain. When we signed up all those months ago we were already whirring away behind the scenes to create a new collection and there seemed to be plenty of time to get everything finished.

To date readers we are about half way there - all the silk cushions are made, our new silk lampshades are ready and waiting, and last week we even did the first test run of our screen prints. But, and this is a big but, we are still waiting for our digital prints. As a small business we are trying to do things the right way - small print runs printed in the UK - and yet trying to find a reliable printer with a consistent quality and not extortionate pricing has been challenging!

Hopefully, hopefully, hopefully the print side of things will be resolved this week and the stress of this will soon be a dim and distant memory.

In between grappling with the print suppliers we have taken the opportunity to create a range of Christmas cards. So for all those organised Christmas shoppers these three different handmade designs will be available at Greenwich Market from this weekend.

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