This Easter we decided to be adventurous with our eggs!

To create your very own small but perfectly formed beauties follow our short guide:

For the most vital ingredient here (the eggs) we would recommend you use standard shop bought eggs just because the shells are easier to pierce. For those of you who have never blown eggs before simply pierce the top of the egg with a pin, then using a surgical scalpel widen the hole slightly - this is your blowing hole and as it is the top of your egg and is likely to be seen try not to create something too unsightly! 

Turn you egg upside down, pierce again with the needle and then create a wider hole than before with your scalpel (ours were about 5mm across). Insert a darning needle into the larger hole and shake the egg vigorously. The purpose of this is to break the gloop of the egg. Whilst others may tell you you need only insert a pin and sloosh the gloop before blowing, we found that this requires too much puff, it's far more effective to shake the egg regularly than to simply blow.  

So now you have your egg shells, leave them to soak overnight in a bowl of diluted bleach. You will find they naturally bob to the surface so a plate rested on the surface of the eggs keeps them submerged.

Once dry place your eggs on wooden kebab skewers and spray paint; we chose this lovely duck egg blue colour. When they are dry the fun really begins - for our eggs we decided to decorate them with nail varnish - we wanted a glossy jewel-like finish and acrylic paints just weren't cutting it. This is where we would suggest you use a practice egg, for us it highlighted our inability to create steady lines with an even coverage but it also made us realise the true potential of the polka dot!  

So how do we like our eggs in the morning? Why with a Union Jack on of course!

These are just a few design idea's to get you started but we would love to see what eggstreme eggs you have all been making...

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