Having produced our cushion collection earlier in the year we have since been concentrating our efforts on creating a print collection. London will always be in our hearts at Clementine & Bloom and with it being such a great British year it seemed natural to progress into designing London themed fabrics.

After many a trip to draw, photograph and absorb the vibrancy of the city we knuckled down to produce our first full collection. As with all good things, this takes time but now we can finally reveal the finished results...

There is the eclectic medley of architecture encompassing all that we love about London - a mish mash of ancient and modern, from Shakespeare's Globe Theatre to the faceted glass 'Gherkin' tower - in red and blue colourways.

Also featured is a pattern of Ravens inspired by the legend that warns that if these majestic birds were to leave the Tower of London, the kingdom and the Tower would fall.

Taking the wonderful curves of the dome at St Paul's Cathedral we produced a repeat lozenge design.

And finally in a larger scale design is a half-drop repeat pattern in a light blue colour. They are all printed onto 100% cotton and are now waiting to be made into items for our shop.


  1. These are very beautiful - I especially like the red and blue raven fabric.

  2. Thank you everyone for your lovely comments. Great to know you like them.
