Exciting news!

After a year of celebrating all things Great British - including the amazing Paralympics, we loved the umbrellas in the opening ceremony and the fantastic achievements of the athletes so far is awe inspiring - the Summer's celebrations here in London are culminating in the fantastic Thames Festival on the Southbank. We, lovely readers, are fortunate to be taking part in this event and have been allocated a space along with a collection of Designer/Makers in the Bernie Spain Gardens near the OXO Tower. 

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This is the first time we've been involved but have been assured by festival 'veterans' that it is a fabulous day of music, colour, art and performance mixed together with parades and fireworks to entertain the whole family.

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This is a great day out for everyone including activities that you can participate in not just watch and if all that was not enough the whole event is FREE!

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All the fun and spectacle takes places on Saturday/Sunday 8th and 9th September so there are no excuses to stay away - come along, have a wonderful time and definitely drop by and say hello to us!

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